The boys are growing bigger and bigger everyday. It seems like they are always learning something new. Just the other day, I was thinking about how I really need to not just cherish this time with them but savor it. You can't rewind the clock.....
Enjoy their recent adventures.....
^ parker drawing/coloring. he loves to draw circles and say 'circle circle' while drawing them!
^ and he got it!!
^ daddy took parker outside to watch it downpour.
^ parker and carter like to play dr. parker has the shot and carter has the thermometer. they already play together. it is so cute. i tear up just thinking about it. i love them.
Carters newest thing is to chew. He looks like he's chewing bubblegum. I think he's trying to tell me he wants FOOD. Well, I guess I'll start him on cereal soon..... I'm not ready to give up the baby stage. =[