Saturday, January 4, 2014

Snow Day!

We woke up to a snow day yesterday!  It was partly because of the snow and partly because it was almost zero degrees outside.  I let Holly sleep in while the boys and I celebrated downstairs.  Then, when Anderson went down for a nap, I took a nap in the attic which was awesome.  While I was napping Holly set out to do a project with the boys which appears below.

Holly put the Lego Table the boys got for Christmas together.  They both think it's terrific!  Later , after the boys where in bed, I braved the icy weather and questionable roads to pick up some pizza, wings, and other goodies.  We then watched World's Away, the 2012 Cirque du Soleil film. 

It was terrific.  My favorite part was when Holly said, "I always get frustrated by these things because I feel they are trying to tell some deep story and I don't get it."  Then I helpfully said two minutes later, "You know, the way that guy is swinging in the air like that with the ninja theme is a direct reference to John Updike's Rabbit novels."  And Holly says, "Really?"  And I said, "No, I just made that up to sound smart.  I don't know what's going on either."  And then she threw pizza at me.  Or at least, she would have liked to! 

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