Monday, September 2, 2013


This should be the last robo-post.  I wanted to share a tale about our little man Carter.

Carter and his newborn cousin in 2012
(Just a good pic, nothing to do with the post.)
Last week, Carter rode down with me to pick up my racing packet for the Green Lakes 50K.  We had a grand time getting the packet, picking up supplies at Target, and getting McDonald's milkshakes. (I selected vanilla; he selected strawberry.)  We were listening to the radio on the trip.  Now, Carter is the most radio sensitive of our children.  He learns lyrics quickly and knows the songs he likes.  So I enjoyed it when we were almost home and Katy Perry's new single, "Roar", came on.  Carter was loving it and was singing along with the chorus.  When we pulled up to the house, he said, "Dad, Dad!  Don't stop the song.  Wait till it's over."  So we sat in the car outside the house so Carter could finish hearing Katy Perry roar.  When it was over he said, "Okay, thanks, Dad."  Then we went inside and added the song to his Spotify playlist.  He's such a great kid.  Maybe he'll start a band on his own someday.

Parker digs his tunes too!
Parker had a similar experience months ago with Thrift Shop by Macklemore.  He had heard it on the radio and kept singing to himself, "I got twenty-dollars in my pocket!"  We couldn't figure out why he was saying this until we connected it to the song.  So that got added to his Spotify list (the clean, radio edit, of course!)

That's the last robo-post!  We should be back by now and ready to report on the Labor Day weekend adventures!

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