Saturday, July 13, 2013

Anderson Summer Catch-Up

Anderson is always up to something.  Here are some photos to demonstrate.  Keep in mind, John Updike wrote in one of his books, "All families look good through windows."  That can be carried over into the 21st century by stating "All families (and kids!) look good on blogs."  I say this because while Anderson looks cute in these pictures, he is a HANDFUL, and behind every smiling photo is an impish little boy running around getting into everything while giving his mother and father headaches!

Here Anderson is happy to show off his artistic skills on Grandma's sidewalk.  (He didn't write out his own name, but he does recognize his name when he hears it after doing anything he shouldn't be doing!)

When camping at Jellystone, the big kids made over-sized bubbles.  Anderson watched from his highchair.  Holly was clever enough with the camera to get this "astronaut" picture of Anderson.

 While Anderson can be a handful, he is the best at posing for pictures.  Whenever you ask him to smile for the camera he does so without hesitation.  Here Holly caught him posing by the swing set at the campground.

If Anderson wasn't in his highchair at the campground, he was in his stroller.  (This was because if he was loose you had to chase him around the whole campground because he is so mobile and curious.)  Here, we catch Anderson having some downtime with a s'more just before bedtime.  As usual, he kicks up his feet and enjoys keeping it real.

Anderson striking a pose by the big bouncing pillow at the campground with dad in the background.  Don't let that smile fool you...he wanted nothing to do with the bouncing pillow.  He was terrified of it.  Anderson is actually terrified of a lot of things.  If you try to put him on your shoulders, he will howl and try to claw your eyeballs out while choking you he is so frightened of falling.  If you try to take him swimming, he doesn't even try to cling to you but screams and tries to climb off of you and swim for shore himself (which he obviously can't do).  And if you try to take him on the bouncy pillow, he howls and gingerly makes his way back down.  But if you take the camera out and say "smile" all is forgotten and he is a happy little boy again!

So that's a summer update for Anderson!

As for recently, we just got back from a friends birthday party where Parker and Carter went swimming and Anderson prowled around the pool trying to throw objects into it.  And last night Holly and I enjoyed a date night where she thrashed me in Phase 10 before we ordered Cheeseburger Subs to watch with Netflix.  A great summer so far.

Phase 10, the game Holly always beats me at.  (But I can thrash her in chess, a real game.)

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