Friday, February 1, 2013

Date Night with Frank

Date night was with Holly last night.  We continued our architecture kick by watching an episode of America's mansions highlighting the Adirondacks.  First, we looked at Camp Pine Knot, a wilderness retreat for the wealthy Durant family.  Apparently, it was very inaccessible and required train rides, carriage rides, and several boat rides to get there. 

One of William Durant's log cabin mansions at
 Camp Pine Knot in the Adirondacks 
But the inaccessibility didn't keep the Durant family, particularly, William Durant, from spending lavishly on the site including marble, gold, and porcelain in the cabins.  It was interesting; Holly and I enjoy camping, so we get it.  But compared to the lavish Vanderbilt and Rockefeller fortresses the camp seemed rather mundane.  So we turned it off and turned our attention to our new hero, Frank Lloyd Wright.

The new (as if we had a former) architectural
 hero of Brian and Holly: Frank Lloyd Wrigh
Sure, Holly and I had heard of the name of old Frankie.  It's a familiar sounding name.  48 hours ago, we might have been able to correctly identify him as an architect   What we didn't know what that Frank Llyod Wright was THE architect of the 20th century.  While enjoying our take out Chinese food, we examined three homes of Frank Lloyd Wright, each apparently roughly corresponding with a phase of his life.  Holly and I enjoyed his style.  Someday, we want to build our dream home.  It will probably have Wright's, flowing places, small bedrooms, nice nooks and crannies for function.  A bungalow style, really. It was an enjoyable little film. 

Wright's first home, where he father six children and tested out his revolutionary ideas.

After the Chinese food was gone and we said good-bye to Frank, we took copies of interior design magazines we bought and tried to guess what the other one liked and did not like in the design schemes   We also took the time to identify the rooms we thought we would find in the homes of P. Diddy, people we know, and of course, Frank Llyod Wright.  Surprisingly, we agreed on several things.

Good food, good architecture, good date.

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