Saturday, January 14, 2012

Gotta Vent

When Brian and I were first married and we would visit his parent's house we would read his parent's PennySaver and the "I Gotta Vent" and "On the Brighter Side" sections. They were our favorite. People would write in with their random rants or thank yous. We read the cheerful ones first and saved the best for last... the random rants of people to complete strangers (most of the time). They are usually good for a little chuckle. Well, because of some recent events .... I'll explain in a minute... I GOTTA VENT. Go grab your cocoa and get prepared for a little chuckle. This is probably something really silly and petty but boy, oh boy, it's almost been a week and still under my skin.

Recently, a cloth diaper store has opened in our little city. Great news for me. I love to support local businesses and I'm hoping to invest in a couple more cloth diapers. Win - Win. They had a little contest on their facebook page. There were 12 hearts in their store window and you had to guess what the meaning was... I took some stabs in the dark. 12 days of Christmas, Years the online store has been around, anniversary of y2k, years of marriage. Ding. I got it. The owner writes "You got it Holly. 12 years ago on January 29th, *** and I were married at **** Chapel at ****University." YAY. Well I had a nagging feeling and I reread all the enteries. A girl before me said years you've been married. She got it before me and the owner didn't notice. I IMMEDIATELY thought about what if that was me, what if I was the person to say it first. So, I comment and tag the rightful winner of the $10 gift certificate. This is what happened (backtraching a bit):

Me- ‎12 years of marriage?
January 8 at 2:52pm ·

Diaper Store- You got it Holly. 12 years ago on January 29th, *** and I were married at ***'s Chapel at ***** University.
January 8 at 2:55pm ·

Me- Yay!!!!!!!!
‎:) I'll use it toward a freetime!!! ((name of diaper))
January 8 at 2:59pm ·

Me- I just read through and looks like Suzie* ((tagged, and not her real name)) said it before me. January 8 at 3:03pm ·

Me- Congrats on your anniversary!! ♥
January 8 at 3:12pm ·

Diaper Store- Suzie*, you did guess it first. I don't know why I didn't see it. Sorry for getting your hopes up Holly. Suzie*, how would you like to obtain your gift?
January 8 at 3:18pm

Suzie*- yay!!! I can add to my stash for the new one!!! ♥
January 8 at 3:18pm

Suzie*- can you email it to me so I can use it for online shopping? as I live in Raleigh, NC and I am so excited to buy stuff for baby #3!!!
January 8 at 3:21pm ·

Diaper Store- Congratulations on baby #3. We're working on a new website that can take coupon codes. Let me talk to my husband and figure out the best way for you to take advantage of your certificate. Why don't you e-mail me at ********


Now, to you that probably looks like a normal coversation/ thread/ whatever you want to call it.

This is my vent: NEITHER ONE of them said THANK YOU to me. Seriously, those two little words would have made me feel so much better about doing the right thing. :/

Vent over. Thanks for listening.... hopefully you got a little chuckle.


  1. I don't feel bad for you at all. I just had a miscarriage and you are blessed with three wee ones. Count your blessings and stop complaining.

  2. Anonymous. I am sorry for your loss. :( This is supposed to be read lightheartedly and no one is supposed to feel bad for me. I am blessed. I know that!!

  3. Dear Anonymous,
    I am very sorry for your loss as well. I know my wife and I were heartbroken when we suffered the same loss. That being said, I disagree with looking at the daily blog of a mother and pull that card to make her feel bad. I don't know who you are because you decided to make yourself remain anonymous, but I do know that if you are a friend of the Steffen's you're better than that.

  4. Holly you are one of the most honest and sweetest people I know! THANK YOU for being honest enough to point out the mistake! Do you know how many people would have not pointed that out!

    And I would have been more upset about the fact the girl who won was clearly not LOCAL! ;) lol! Now thats something to vent about too!! hee hee

  5. Anonymous, A miscarriage is a horrible, hurtful thing. I'm so sorry.

    Hopefully anonymous feels much better after her vent.

  6. Holly!! You were nothing but the best with me when I lost my baby. Thank you SO MUCH for the love and support you gave to me during our hard time. I knew exactly who to turn to when I was going through everything. Thank you for being a greater friend to me and guiding me through everything!

  7. Thanks Ladies (and Jim)!! I love you all.

  8. I hope you all feel better. I mean no disrepsect to the Steffen family. My comment was intended to point out that we should count our blessings and not our losses, especially petty ones. What saddens me is the extreme lack of grace in each posted directed towards me. Perhaps this is a time to reflect on the way we respond to other's deep sadness. Especially as believers, I assumed the response would be different. Today is a day I am saddened to be associated with other Christians. I really don't mean to be hurtful, just honest.

  9. Anonymous,
    Once again, I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't think anyone meant to hurt your feelings. Actually, I know that no one did. All the comments here are sincere. On fb I think my friends jumped in my defense bc they felt like I was attacked for nothing. Your comment was taken the wrong way by all, including me. Not all my friends are 'Christian' so please don't make assumptions for them all. I'd love it if you'd tell me who you are. Feel free to drop me a fb message or email ( I'd love to talk to you instead of 'anonymous'.

  10. If you start a post with "I don't feel bad for you at all." and end a post with "...stop complaining.", what do you expect the reaction of friends to be? And how can you complain of the "lack of grace" to everyone else's posts? No one is denying the anguish you are feeling right now. This just may not be the right forum. If you want to remind us there are greater tragedies in the world, then it is a solid point that no one is denying.

  11. sheesh...well to lighten the mood, hahahaha. i thought it was funny. I mean seriously people! I would have totally thanked you and even offered to split it with you. crazy people.

  12. Well I for one think they should have given prizes to both of you! Especially since you're local! It would be good marketing to do so. They don't know what a great advocate they could gain/make stronger by being nice to you.

    Good job being honest.
