Friday, February 18, 2011

a holly story

My mom calls my stories- "Holly Stories". They are usually amusing/funny. This is a Holly Story.

I was visiting a sister in our ward- We'll call her "Sister :)"... She was excited that I came to see her.
She told me, "You have a really great husband."
"Really?" I said, "What makes you say that?"
"He was my angel the other day. I was slipping and sliding all over the parking lot and out of nowhere I hear 'SISTER :)' and he was running over to me. He took my bags and held my arm like I was a little old lady. He helped me cross the parking lot safely. I really thought I was going to fall, and I said a little prayer asking for help and there was your husband!"
"Aw, that is really sweet. I'm glad he helped you," I replied- smiling.

Little did she know, and I sure as heck wasn't going to tell her what you're going to read next...

We arrived at church. The parking lot was a sheet of black ice. They had not salted. I got out of the car and nearly slipped and fell. I was unbucking Carter and Brian was getting Parker-- and I saw Sister :) struggling to cross the parking lot. I looked at Brian and said, "Hurry. Sister :) is seriously going to fall. Go help her." And off he ran.

I guess the saying IS true: Behind every good man, is a great woman. ;)