Friday, October 15, 2010

some days are like that....

I have always known that I was meant to be a mom.

Some days I have had about enough. I need to escape for an hour and have some "mommy" time when Brian gets home from work.

For a couple weeks now, I have just REALLY loved being a mom. Parker and Carter are such sweethearts. They love each other and us so much. They radiate love and acceptance.

I know that I am so blessed.

Parker is now (almost) FULLY potty trained. He is so excited to go to the ZOO for his prize once he's fully trained. He is in full time underwear- at home and in public. If we are home, he doesn't tell me (I told him he doesn't have to) unless he needs help. In public- he always tells me. :) *KNOCK ON WOOD* and he hasn't ever had an accident out. The only obstacle right now is wetting the bed at night. He doesn't do it at naptime. He actually thinks it is funny. He'll say to me "I pee in my bed! HAHA" . Not quite sure how to show him it's NOT funny. Silly kid.

Parker still knows all his upper and lower case letters, shapes, colors, numbers, and some traffic signs. He can spell stop. He has a tracing book that teaches pencil control and then I'll start working on writing letters. He loves that stinkin' book. It goes to naptime and bedtime even. He looks on the back- where the whole series is pictured and says "i want all these". HAHA. :) Someday, Parker, someday.

Carter is REALLY smart. He is 18mon and can follow any direction. He is a snuggle bug. He loves loves loves to read. He will find a book, and bring it to daddy (his favorite reader). Once the book is over he says "more" "more" and daddy will read it again. He's starting to recognize letters.

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