For date night we made laundry detergent and dryer balls! We have been wanting to do it and keep putting it off. Well last night- we did it!
Supplies for soap: washing soda, baking soda, oxyclean free, and essential oil. measuring cups were to make detergent and measuring spoon for a 'scoop' and a container to put it in.
finished product:
supplies for dryer balls: wool yarn, crochet hook to finish ball, kneehighs to wrap ball, and scissors to cut string
finished product:
Parker LOVES these and is requesting a ball of his own!
(we realized it only took one skein of yarn per ball, so we exhanged a couple for new colors! we plan to make more and proudly display them in our laundry room! =])
Any ideas on making wipes? I'm not thinking disposable wipes, I'm thinking reusable wipes that we could wash in with our Bummys. Now that I'm not paying for diapers and I have two kids we are going through tons and tons of wipes I hate paying for them. Your blog looks great, I like the new template and I love your date night plans. Let me know how they work.