Sunday, May 3, 2009

Carter's Blessing Day

Today was Carter's blessing. It was wonderful... I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day.

^ Carter wore the same outfit that Parker wore to his blessing!
^ the best picture we could get!!

^ John-Mike was able to come!
^ My family came!

^ Brian's Family
^ The Crystal Family!

After the blessing, we came back to our apartment and had chicken salad, egg salad, cheese & crackers, and veggies & dip.
Thank you to everyone that was part of Carter's special day!


  1. Yeah! I'm glad that it went well. I'm loving the first picture of Carter. He looks so alert.

  2. congrats! i am glad you had a wonderful day :) brian gave him a vey nice blessing!

  3. he is adorable!! I'm glad you had such a great day!! I love baby blessings!

  4. Looks like it was a great day. He is such a cutie and so photogenic!!! I think it is amazing how different he and Parker look.

  5. What a sweet blessing! He's so cute :) oh and you missed quite the primary experience haha...but I know hanging with the fam was WAY more fun haha :)
