^ he's getting SO BIG! this was taken a day before he turned 2 months
Parker's First 'real' Ice Cream Cone!!!
^ seeing the farm animals
^ some of Parkers signs. this was the best i could get him to cooperate with me!
he is now up to 29 signs. although, we have stopped teaching him. i usually just end up looking up something we say all the time and after doing it twice he remembers!! its seriously amazing how much their tiny brains soak right in! ... i wish we had more baby signing times (the AMAZING videos) bc he really enjoys watching them and learning signs. but they are like $20 + shipping each. we just can't afford it.
^ for your listening pleasure: we think parker was trying to sing.
^ this will melt your heart: carter babbling
^this will break your heart: carter crying. he does the cutest little lip pout.
This post deserves LOTS of comments bc it took me forever to upload all those videos!
SO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!! Hol they are so cute. I love that pouty lip. Parker is doing amazing w/ the signing! Good job!!!!!
This is all so darn cute! I think Carter looks like Parker! I love the one of Parker singing haha so cute! And the one of Carter crying... it's so funny because it looks like he can't figure out if he's really upset or not haha the lip pout is the saddest lil thing! You are so blessed, your children are absolutely beautiful!
Can't believe how big he's getting! And i definitely want to have some ice cream now!!
Awwwwwww i love them both!!!!! lol
Parker: Gosh he is such a smart little boy!!! Also, he looks like he really enjoyed his ice cream by the looks of the mess he made lol. Soooo cute!!! He is also quite the singer. Watch out american idol!!! lol
Carter: I can't believe how big he is getting!!!! Seems like only yesterday we were online having a late night chat while you were in labor with him!!!! lol I love his silly face and the babbling!!! lol but the crying nearly broke my heart :( lol its cute though cause it seems like he doesnt really know if he wants to cry or not. haha
Thanks for the update!!!!! :)
Parker is so good at signing! That's awesome.
Carter is so cute. He's getting so big!!
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