Tuesday, January 20, 2009

there's ALWAYS something

We took Parker to the doctor and we thought we were almost done battling the sickness... well, while I was getting him changed this morning I noticed a lovely rash developing. Great. He's allergic? Doesn't surprise me too much bc I'm allergic to Keflex and apparently a part of this medication is in the same family as Keflex. Here are some pics of the rash. Poor boy!!!!

I caught him snuggling his curious george after taking the pics.... he's such a lover boy. even though he refuses to snuggle- even when he's sick.... =[

So we're supposed to stop meds and then see if the rash goes away. If it does, we are going to call them and give him another dose tomorrow and see what happens. If the rash comes back, I have to call them again and they will switch the meds. If it doesn't go away by tomorrow, I gotta call them and go from there... oh boy!


  1. Holly, I'm so sorry you're having to deal with all of this! Poor baby, and poor mommy!

  2. YIKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hope he gets better!

  3. Oh man. I'm so sorry. The rash looks a little bit viral though. Has he been running a high fever? It could be roseola. They don't look like hives in the picture, but rashes are always so hard to tell what the heck they are. At any rate, I hope he feels better soon.

  4. yeah i was thinking that too (roseola)... so thats why i think they wanna see if it goes away when i don't give him the meds.

    he ran a high fever for a day or so, but that was under control before we took him to the drs.

  5. That is so miserable. I had an allergic reaction to medication twice. It was terrible. I hope that you can figure it out soon.

  6. poor little guy! tyler is sick too, he has a sinus, eye, and ear infection! he just had to go back today bc his antibiotic was not working. sick kids are no fun :(

  7. High fever is one of the big signs of roseola. I'm betting on that, but you just never know, so better to be safe than sorry. I'm hoping it's better soon! Keep us updated.

  8. How cute can the last picture get! I am so sorry he is sick. That is so hard. I hope all is well otherwise..

