Thursday, January 22, 2009

i can't pass up a good....

Parker and Mommy went to the outlets today. Anyone who knows me- knows I only will buy baby clothes on sale. I just don't see the point in spending $40 bucks on a single article of clothing especially when I know they will only wear it a couple months and it's bound to get stained! I love looking for good deals and then I stock up when I find them!!

There's nothing more satisfying then getting a $15 thing for less than 2 bucks.
So, here are my finds for today... some I'm more proud of than others.... (the percent saved will give you a good idea of which ones I'm most excited about!)

^ christmas pjs for next year (couldn't decide which to get...)
Retail: $36.66
Paid: $14.96
Saved: ~60%

^ Outfits (I accidentally picked up 2 onsies- the same size and color! doh!) Some are for Parker this year and some are for the baby next year....
Retail: $80.00
Paid: $24.67
Saved: 69%

^ cute one piece outfits for the baby
Retail: $25.00
Paid: $2.98
Saved: 88% (wowsers!)

^ loungewear for baby/Parker to match this year! and one for parker next year.
Retail: $72.50
Paid: $8.70
Saved: 88% (wowsers!)


  1. Awww looks like you guys are feeling better =) and OK you DEF should have gotten some of those jammies for Owen because I've been looking ALL over for those snowflake ones for next year. I went to the regular children's place store in the mall but they didn't have Owen's size.... and we don't have a children's place outlet store here =( Ugh I wanna go to the outlets with you! I wonder how far your outlets are from me?? Maybe we can go sometime together. Which outlets are these? Corning?

  2. i think i need to go shopping with you! time you go and need a buddy, call me ;)

  3. Nice work shopping queen!!!!!! Glad you are all feeling better!

  4. Yes, apples, pears and blueberries.
