Monday, January 12, 2009

good lil' helper

Parker loves helping Daddy with the laundry (its in the basement so Mommy won't go down there)!


  1. Love the new wallpaper! And how cute is that pic of Brian and Parker :) I remember when you girls used to fit inside a washbasket... it was one of your favorite things besides the tupperware cupboard! Ahhhh, the memories!

  2. I don't do laudry in basements either. They're too scary for me. That is so nice of them.

  3. Rob just took a pic of Luke in the laundry basket on Sunday! How funny! I think I put in on facebook.

  4. hey i have to do laundry in my basement! it stinks but i do it :) i just don't go down there late at night, haha. i think i am jealous that your hubby does the laundry! mine is useless inside the home! haha
