So, in our church we get 'callings'... basically our church is run by the people. No one is paid. Everyone is asked of the Lord to do a certain task....
I've helped plan events for the women of the church... and I was most recently the nursery teacher (18mon-3yr olds) and now I have received a new calling: 2nd counselor in the primary presidency!
Basically, there are 3 people over the kiddos of the church and their sunday school classes. There is the President and then the first and second counselors. I'm not totally sure of all my resposibilities yet, but I'll learn!
Nursery was challenging for me, but we are given callings to help us grow. I had 7 kids in one tiny room. There were days that I can honestly say that I hated it. However I am so thankful for that calling. It has taught me so much about kids and about myself. I was just starting to really love it, and now i'll be replaced! That is okay though because I'm on to bigger and better things I guess!
Yay! Congrats on your new calling!