So, I am pretty much the only person in the world that hates decorating for Christmas. Last night I had a church activity that I was going to and we made ornaments. I said I didn't want to take one home because I didn't even have a tree up- and probably wouldn't put it up this year seeing as though we aren't even gonna be here for christmas. I get home, and Brian tells me that I have to see Parker sleeping because he looks so cute. So, we turned off all the lights and slowly opened the door to his room (so we didn't wake him up). And there was Parker near the glow of blue christmas lights. Brian and Parker had set up the tree and had gone out and gotten special ornaments (Brian apparently wanted a themed tree this year). He decided to put it in Parker's room so we could block it off so that the kids didn't attack it and so that Parker could look at the lights while going to sleep. (don't worry- We turn them off after he's asleep)
I was so impressed with him! So, here's a pic of his hard work:
It was completely green yesterday, and we woke up this morning to this winter wonderland...
Yeah for Brian!! WaHoo!! Nice tree and you did an awesome job decorating it! I think that you should put it in the livingroom so Parker can enjoy it while he is awake!!