Saturday, October 18, 2008

to my baby boy on his first birthday

October 18, 2008
My beloved Parker,

It all started in the middle of a blizzard on Valentines Day in 2007. I took a pregnancy test and lo and behold, we found out you were going to join our family!

After being diagnosed 'boarderline gestational diabetic' I found out I would be induced to have you. That means that they made mommy go into labor. After being sealed as a family for time and all eternity on Oct 16th, I was induced Oct 17th at 7:30am. You were finally born Oct 18, 2007, at 6:38pm. You were born by emergency c-section and you weren't breathing. Once they got you breathing, you were treated for fluid on the lungs and jaundice. Mommy was very scared but she was also in a lot of pain from surgery. You weighed 7lbs 8oz and 19 3/4inches long. Mommy finally saw you and got to hold you the next night at 11pm. Mommy tried nursing you and you didn't want anything to do with it!

You, my baby boy, have taught me so much in this one year you have been with us. You have taught me the power of love. I can't even express how much I love you. Everyday you do something different and you amaze me. I love the fact that I can finally be a stay at home mommy and take care of you and watch you grow. You are the best job I ever had! =]

(^ taken by mommy)

( ^ vansuydam photography)

My wishes for you are that you love the Gospel of Jesus Christ and that you always rely on him, that you never give up, and that you will not be afraid to love with all your heart.

I hope you have a great first birthday and have many more to come.
I love you Parker Brenner!!!

( ^ vansuydam photography)

Love, Mommy & Daddy too