We had a great spring break. It started out with watching
General Conference with Brian's Parents. Parker was happy he got to play chess with Grandma Steffen.
(Rough housing in between sessions)

We went home and packed for an impromptu stay-cation to Rochester. We crashed at the Steffens house and did lots of fun things. Strong Museum of Play, Lollypop Farm, Visitors Center, Playground, Pancoast's House, and probably more that I'm forgetting. The boys thought everything we did was "so special"... even breakfast at Breugger's!
At the Visitor's Center they each picked a Book of Mormon.
Parker picked Tahitian. (yes, please)

Carter chose Mongolian!
I learned Parker is a pro at swinger.
Best Pumper Award:

We celebrated FREE CONE DAY at Ben and Jerry's.

Even though we stayed close to home, everyone had a blast. :) Best Spring Break Ever!
((After Spring Break we went to Grandma and Papa Miller's house to celebrate Easter))