There will be a prize for the person that "wins" :)
Make sure you make a guess!!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
the boys in my house
Boys in my House
There are boys in my house – and Spiderman shoes
And 200 papers in various blues.
There's Bob (he's a builder) and Thomas the Train,
There's a fireman coat to wear in the rain.
They have cars on their shirts and frogs on their hats
There's a glove and a ball and a red plastic bat.
There's dirt on a face and a smudge on a nose;
Grass stains on knees and sand between toes.
There's bathtime at night with bodies to scrub,
And when we're all done there is dirt in the tub!
There's bandaids and bruises and curious bumps,
There's smiles and laughter and sometimes there's grumps.
There's odors most icky; there's boogers so green
There's more yucky things than I'll ever get clean.
There's piles of laundry; there's stories at night;
There's bedtime and bathtime and dinnertime fights.
There's cars and there's trains and there's books about trucks
There's Scoop, Lofty, Dizzy, and Travis, and Muck.
Sometimes there are bugs, and sometimes there are frogs;
Sometimes they are lions, or dinos, or dogs.
There are cute little vests and darling neckties
Dragged right through the mud – oh what a surprise!
There's running and climbing and jumping and falling
And laughing and crying and hugging and brawling
And rolling and losing and finding and creeping
And whining and stealing and sometimes there's sleeping.
There's tantrums and time outs and extra loud noise –
There's love in my house shaped like two little boys.

by Erin Jo Kilmer
There are boys in my house – and Spiderman shoes
And 200 papers in various blues.
There's Bob (he's a builder) and Thomas the Train,
There's a fireman coat to wear in the rain.
They have cars on their shirts and frogs on their hats
There's a glove and a ball and a red plastic bat.
There's dirt on a face and a smudge on a nose;
Grass stains on knees and sand between toes.
There's bathtime at night with bodies to scrub,
And when we're all done there is dirt in the tub!
There's bandaids and bruises and curious bumps,
There's smiles and laughter and sometimes there's grumps.
There's odors most icky; there's boogers so green
There's more yucky things than I'll ever get clean.
There's piles of laundry; there's stories at night;
There's bedtime and bathtime and dinnertime fights.
There's cars and there's trains and there's books about trucks
There's Scoop, Lofty, Dizzy, and Travis, and Muck.
Sometimes there are bugs, and sometimes there are frogs;
Sometimes they are lions, or dinos, or dogs.
There are cute little vests and darling neckties
Dragged right through the mud – oh what a surprise!
There's running and climbing and jumping and falling
And laughing and crying and hugging and brawling
And rolling and losing and finding and creeping
And whining and stealing and sometimes there's sleeping.
There's tantrums and time outs and extra loud noise –
There's love in my house shaped like two little boys.

Friday, May 27, 2011
hello glucola, my old friend...
Hello glucola, my old friend, I've come to drink you up again,
Because a level softly creeping, Left its mark after I was drinking,
And the vision that was planted in my brain,
Still remains, drinking up the glucola.
(to the tune of simon and garfunkle's 'sound of silence')

We meet again. This is the ONE thing I DREAD about pregnancy. NOT because of the taste. It's really not as bad as people tell you... but because I stress about results.
I hold a grudge against this drink and I don't know if anything can ever take that away.
It was this drink that started the cascade events of Parker's birth... a time I wish I could go back and re-live. For my sweet boy. It was the classification of "Boarderline Gestational Diabetic" that sent me into be induced. There was no way they were letting me and my BIG baby get to our Due Date. (Let me remind you- he was 7lb 8oz)
Parker's Pregnancy:
~28weeks: 1hr- FAIL
Carter's Pregnancy:
~8weeks: 1hr- FAIL
3hr- PASS
~28weeks: 1hr- FAIL
3hr- PASS
Baby3 Pregnancy:
~9weeks: 1hr- PASS
~26weeks: 1hr- FAIL
3hr- ...... I will take Tues.... should get results Weds. Please pray for us.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Baby Names
I'm determined to have a solid Boy and Girl name for Baby3 so my bases are covered. For some reason coming up with names really stresses me out. I want a "normal" name that isn't WAY overused (ruling out any boy name that ends in -aiden). I don't want another -er for a boy. I DO have a feeling this is another boy so I am stressed because I pretty much have a girl name!
Then there's the whole naming after people. I want my children to be named after something or someone (most likely in their middle name).
Here are some of my thoughts:
These are the HARDEST for me. I think because I've had TWO boys, I feel like I'm "out" of names. I have started working on my family history and Frederick is really common. It is also my dad and grandpa's name. So maybe for a middle name? Brian has a really close friend that would be neat to have his name incorporated somehow.
My gramp was called Fritz. I love that name. Fritz Steffen- What's UP german name!! LOL!
I also like Anderson. I feel like it goes the best with Parker and Carter. (surname-ish)
I also like Anderson. I feel like it goes the best with Parker and Carter. (surname-ish)
Graham is another one on my list.
I like Elliott and I (secretly) wish I would have named Carter Elliott instead.
I am pretty set on Lydia Eiley. I want to try to squeeze in another name to honor my friend and her daughter that just passed away suddenly. What do you think about TWO middle names? Do you know anyone that has two middle names? How does it work legally? What do you write on the birth cert? Are they hyphenated? The names I am considering adding to honor my friend are either Jalit or Joy.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Boys will be Boys.
By boys- I mean Men, and by Men- I mean Brian. ;)
I had to run to the store and get a gift for a baby shower. I got some other things we needed while I was there. When I got home, Brian thought it would be funny to lay on the couch, eating chips while the kids played upstairs. I always pick on him for not watching the kids how I do... even though he usually does a pretttty good job.
Well, I was putting stuff away, and Parker ran downstairs with pink stuff all over his face.
Mom: What's that?
Parker: (laugh) I dunno!
Parker runs away and up the stairs giggling.
Mom: Oh no! What WAS that? (I ask Brian)
Brian goes upstairs.
Brian: OH NO! BOOOYS!! (dissapointed)
They had climbed on the toliet and gotten down the nail polish tote, opened nail polish bottles everywhere. Spilled on the rug, trampled across the wood floors, sprinkled on the bedspread, and best of all- painted as tribal paint across their foreheads. Surprisingly I didn't freak out.
I knew it was going to be a stressful enough day. I had a (surprise) baby shower for one of my good friends- Crystal. And then I had to leave there early to go to Jalit's Memorial Service. It was a bittersweet day.
When I got home, they had gotten into it again. I had thought Brian put it up higher. Nope, it was in the same spot. Breathe in, breathe out. I asked Brian if they got into it again and he admitted the did. This time it was painted in Carter's hair. Brian didn't want me to yell at him when I got home. He barely escaped the first go 'round. SO, he thought it would be a good idea to CUT it out of his hair. Poor kid looks like he was attacked by a weedwacker. I spared him that photo. Still no mom freak out. Go me.
Here are the pictures for your viewing pleasure. I was trying to get them to sit with Dad so I could get all THREE culprits in one picture. They weren't having it.

Here are the pictures for your viewing pleasure. I was trying to get them to sit with Dad so I could get all THREE culprits in one picture. They weren't having it.
Friday, May 20, 2011
out with the old
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Jalit update:
"As part of this ongoing investigation, the Onondaga County Medical Examiners Office has determined that Jalit Richardson died as a result of natural causes related to a pre-existing medical condition."
Jalit's Memorial Service will be Saturday- 2pm at Fulton Alliance Church.
It's not Goodbye.....
This is Jalit. She was watching the Abernathy kids and I stopped by to say hi and give her a lift home.
Jalit is someone I went to elementary school with. She was one of my closest friends and then she and her family moved away. We lost contact for years. When I married Brian in 2006, we moved to Oswego and went to church in Fulton. I met Roxanne at church and we became friends. Jalit was a friend of Roxanne's. As soon as Roxanne mentioned her name: Jalit... I said "Wait. Jalit Richardson?" Her name rolled off my tongue like I had spoken to her yesterday. It was her. It was the Jalit I went to elementary school with. What a sweet reunion.
She was just as bubbly and smiley as I remembered. She was overflowing with love for her Savior and for others. You could just see it on her face. She loved kids. Everyone's kids.

Jalit is someone I went to elementary school with. She was one of my closest friends and then she and her family moved away. We lost contact for years. When I married Brian in 2006, we moved to Oswego and went to church in Fulton. I met Roxanne at church and we became friends. Jalit was a friend of Roxanne's. As soon as Roxanne mentioned her name: Jalit... I said "Wait. Jalit Richardson?" Her name rolled off my tongue like I had spoken to her yesterday. It was her. It was the Jalit I went to elementary school with. What a sweet reunion.
She was just as bubbly and smiley as I remembered. She was overflowing with love for her Savior and for others. You could just see it on her face. She loved kids. Everyone's kids.
I was elated to hear that she was expecting.
Jalit was looking for a doula. A labor support for the birth of her child. I met up with her, at Wendy's with my two rambunctious kiddos. She was so excited to meet her baby girl. She wanted a natural birth and wanted to bond with her baby right away. I became not only her friend, but her doula too.
Things took a turn for the worse when she was suffering with Gestational Diabetes and wasn't told or aware until she had a hyperglycemic attack. She was sent to a high risk doctor where she knew she'd have to have a cesarean. I worked with her and talked to her for hours on the phone about it. We were confident that Heavenly Father's will would be done and her baby would be okay. She was in good hands- God's hands.
The day of the birth I arrived an hour or so before the section. Her pastor was there. We sat and chatted. She was bursting with excitement that she would be able to see her baby girl soon. She couldn't wait to hold her and start her life in her new role as "Mom". We held hands. We prayed to the Father for them. For peace and comfort. For His hands to be watching over and protecting the new mom and the new baby. Jalit's mom, brother, and mentor arrived. Jalit, her mentor, and the nurse went into the OR. Mom, brother, and I went to the waiting room.
You see-- Jalit wanted me in there for her cs but the anesthesiologist insisted (rather loudly) that she only have one support person go in with her. Jalit was torn and begged him to not make her make that decision. I turned to her and told her I wouldn't be sad and I would wait and see her as soon as she got out. She chose her mentor.
As we walked down the hall- away from the triage room, I started sobbing. Maybe it was the preggo hormones, maybe it was the spirit telling me something, or maybe I was sad I couldn't go with her... I'll never really know why.
Soon after the section and birth of her beautiful 9lb 4oz baby girl, I went to make sure she was okay and was gonna take off to let her bond with her mom, brother, and new baby girl.
I walked into the recovery room- I called her Mom. That name she had waited her whole life to be called. I told her how proud I was of her. I told her she did an amazing job-- and she really did. From the insulin pokes, lack of sleep, praying for her unborn daughter, reading to Harlee in the womb, having dance parties to christian rock with her belly, and continuing to work until the Dr took her out. She was 110% dedicated to this work: The work of a mother.
I was able to go over and take some photographs of Jalit and her little princess at her home. I usually take labor/ birth photos for families that I doula and hadn't been able to with her. I wanted to make sure to document for her those first precious few weeks. They fly by so fast.
This is my favorite photo that I took that day. You can see the bond between them. It's tangible. It's contagious.
Yesterday, I received the most shocking news of my life. This "long lost" friend, Mom, fellow daughter of God, and her beautiful little blueberry- Harlee Joy were found dead in her apartment. I wasn't home at the time. I immediately called her cell- praying she'd pick up and I could tell her this horrific rumor I had heard. Straight to voicemail. "Hi this is Jalit, I can't get to the phone right now, but if you leave your name and number and a brief message-- I will get back to you as soon as I can. Have a great day and God Bless."
My heart instantly broke, I knew it had to be true.
See you later.
I knew she'd be an amazing mom and guidepost to her child. Around 20weeks, Jalit's little blueberry was discovered to be a little girl and she named her Harlee Joy.
Jalit was looking for a doula. A labor support for the birth of her child. I met up with her, at Wendy's with my two rambunctious kiddos. She was so excited to meet her baby girl. She wanted a natural birth and wanted to bond with her baby right away. I became not only her friend, but her doula too.
Things took a turn for the worse when she was suffering with Gestational Diabetes and wasn't told or aware until she had a hyperglycemic attack. She was sent to a high risk doctor where she knew she'd have to have a cesarean. I worked with her and talked to her for hours on the phone about it. We were confident that Heavenly Father's will would be done and her baby would be okay. She was in good hands- God's hands.
The day of the birth I arrived an hour or so before the section. Her pastor was there. We sat and chatted. She was bursting with excitement that she would be able to see her baby girl soon. She couldn't wait to hold her and start her life in her new role as "Mom". We held hands. We prayed to the Father for them. For peace and comfort. For His hands to be watching over and protecting the new mom and the new baby. Jalit's mom, brother, and mentor arrived. Jalit, her mentor, and the nurse went into the OR. Mom, brother, and I went to the waiting room.
You see-- Jalit wanted me in there for her cs but the anesthesiologist insisted (rather loudly) that she only have one support person go in with her. Jalit was torn and begged him to not make her make that decision. I turned to her and told her I wouldn't be sad and I would wait and see her as soon as she got out. She chose her mentor.
As we walked down the hall- away from the triage room, I started sobbing. Maybe it was the preggo hormones, maybe it was the spirit telling me something, or maybe I was sad I couldn't go with her... I'll never really know why.
Soon after the section and birth of her beautiful 9lb 4oz baby girl, I went to make sure she was okay and was gonna take off to let her bond with her mom, brother, and new baby girl.
I walked into the recovery room- I called her Mom. That name she had waited her whole life to be called. I told her how proud I was of her. I told her she did an amazing job-- and she really did. From the insulin pokes, lack of sleep, praying for her unborn daughter, reading to Harlee in the womb, having dance parties to christian rock with her belly, and continuing to work until the Dr took her out. She was 110% dedicated to this work: The work of a mother.
I was able to go over and take some photographs of Jalit and her little princess at her home. I usually take labor/ birth photos for families that I doula and hadn't been able to with her. I wanted to make sure to document for her those first precious few weeks. They fly by so fast.
This is my favorite photo that I took that day. You can see the bond between them. It's tangible. It's contagious.

My heart instantly broke, I knew it had to be true.
Below is one of the many reports....
We are all waiting to hear what happened. My heart feels bruised. This world lost a mighty warrior.
I know that Jalit is in the arms of her Savior. I know that she is holding her little baby just like she did on earth. I know Harlee is smiling at her mommy and basking in the glow of Heavenly Father's love. I know that somehow this was part of Heavenly Father's plan and I'm sure he has big things for her on the other side. I know I will see her again someday. I know I will hold that precious baby again. This is what I imagine Jalit to look like on the other side (only not pregnant).

Adult and child found dead in Fulton home
By: Web Staff
FULTON, N.Y. -- Police in Fulton are investigating the deaths of two people. They say Jalit Richardson, 25, and her two-month-old infant daughter were found inside the apartment about 1:45 p.m. Tuesday at a home on South First Street.
Police are calling it an unattended death and are saying it is not considered suspicious at this time.
Fulton police are awaiting a determination on the cause of death from the Onondaga County Medical Examiner's Office.
I know that Jalit is in the arms of her Savior. I know that she is holding her little baby just like she did on earth. I know Harlee is smiling at her mommy and basking in the glow of Heavenly Father's love. I know that somehow this was part of Heavenly Father's plan and I'm sure he has big things for her on the other side. I know I will see her again someday. I know I will hold that precious baby again. This is what I imagine Jalit to look like on the other side (only not pregnant).

Photo taken by Casey Bea, Jalit's friend.
I know that Jalit is watching over me. She would send me texts frequently to see how I was doing. "How are you feeling, Mama?" I will miss those texts. I know she will be there for me- when I'm in labor, just like I was there for her. I wasn't able to be in the room with her, and she will not be able to be in the room with me. But, more importantly, her spirit will be there. Right beside me- helping me birth this bundle of joy.
I love you Jalit.
See you later.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Book of Mormon
Last night Parker and Carter would not go to bed without their copies of the Book of Mormon. We had a family home evening where we talked about how to treat scriptures. Brian got a chair and had us each take turns sitting in it- and looking through the scriptures. We were all asked to find the picture of Jesus in the beginning of the book. The boys can't get enough. They both fell asleep with them nearby. It was precious.
Happy Easter
Easter Sunday we woke up bright and early at Gma and Papa Miller's house. The Easter Bunny had paid Parker and Carter a visit there! They were not really into looking for their baskets but were super excited once they found them. :) We wondered if the bunny remembered to stop at our house while we were out of town.
Carter found his!
Parker found his!! He possesses my skill of giving up way too early. He was sure the Easter Bunny forgot him.

With their loot.
Carter found his!
With their loot.
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