To my not-so-little-boy,
You amaze me everyday. I can't believe how fast you are growing up. Sometimes I wish I could just pause time, but I guess that's why we take pictures.
I love how stubborn you are. That you already fight for what you want. I hope that you never lose that.
I love how you say "mama" and it warms my heart.... and then I figure out you are really saying milk!
I love how you help mommy stack blocks, and color pictures for me to hang up on the wall.
I love how you try to behave when mommy drags you out in the freezing weather to go shopping.
I love how you sign please without being prompted and then I ask you what you want and you sign milk.
I love how fast you are picking up the signs.
I love watching daddy push you really fast on your little bus. I still have to get a video of that.
I love how you help me pick up the toys and how when I say we're gonna pray you fold your arms.
I love when you give us kisses and hugs and I can't wait to hear you say "i love you mommy".
This is a song from baby signing time that I really love signing to you:
Special To Me
Today will soon be over
Tomorrow will arrive
Right now I’m going to hold you
Until you close your eyes
Words can’t always sum up
The feelings that I feel
So peaceful when you’re sleeping
I know you’ll hear me still
Singing ‘You are very special to me
And I am very special to you
I know that this is where I am meant to be
I’m glad that my baby is you’
Exactly what I wanted
Exactly who you are
I know we’ll work together
And we will reach the stars
Families stick together
And family lasts forever
Forever, that’s how long
I’ll love you
Singing "You are very special to me
And I am very special to you
I know that this is where I am meant to be
I’m glad that my baby is you"
I know this is where I am meant to be
I’m glad that my baby is you
I love you so much. You have accomplished so much in your short 15months here and I cannot wait to see you grow older and learn even more. I can't wait to see you with your little brother- I hope you are best friends.
Love, Mommy