Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

P and C

They wrote a thank you note last night and surprised me this morning with pictures. I love them.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Potty time?

Sweet little Anderson peed on the little potty for the first time on the 19th... yesterday he went one and today so far once. I am totally blown away by this little one. :) So proud of my (almost) 13mon old!


playground fun

Anderson is getting so big. My heart is full.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday to the little boy that made me a Mom.

Happy 5th Birthday to the little boy that made me a Mom. I can't believe it's been 5 years since my life completely changed. In 5 years I have felt more love than I ever thought possible. I have loved watching him grow and become his own person. It is amazing and I'm so lucky to call him mine. :)

Parker picked chinese food (in the living room of course) and chocolate milkshake with a cherry on top for dinner. He wanted "buffalo chicken"... which he really means sesame chicken. ;) and "noodles" or lo mein. 

I made cupcakes for dessert. 

It seems like just yesterday we met and yet I've known you forever. 

I love you so much. 

I can't wait to keep watching you grow. 
...even if I wish you could stay four just one more year.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

bird mask

Parker had to make an animal mask for Kindergarten and he wanted to make a bird. He helped and I think it's too cute not to share. :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

first day.


Carter and Anderson had fun at home but missed Parker tons... Carter said "Mommy, Kindergarten takes a long time"... I replied "I know Carter, I think so too".

My heart overflows.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Meet the Teacher!

Today you gathered all your school supplies and we put them in a bag. We brought them when we met to meet your teacher- Mrs. Tryon. You were so excited.

Here are some pictures of your in your classroom:

I love you.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Dear Parker,

Dearest Parker,
I am sitting here writing this on the eve's eve of Kindergarten. Tomorrow is Kindergarten orientation. You will meet your teacher and your new friends/classmates. You are so excited. When we went a couple weeks ago to go school supply shopping you were excited to get everything on the list and helped me shop. Just me and you. We went out to lunch at your favorite place: Chinese! You looked at me and said "Mommy, this is the best day ever." And I beamed. You're a little sad that your closest friend from PreK -- Tanner-- won't be in your class but I assured you that you'd make new friends.

I'd be lying if I said that I was as excited as you are. I know you'll do great in Kindergarten and that you are so ready... but Mommy is a little sad. Carter will definitely miss his big brother when you're gone away at school. I feel like it's super scary to let you go out into the world. It is here that you will start to meet some real challenges and you have to learn how to overcome them.

Parker, I can promise you that you're not alone. I am and will always be here for you. I look forward to hearing stories, seeing projects, and getting hugs and kisses when you get home.

I can't believe how fast you are growing up. There are so.many.times. (with you and your brothers and especially when you are all together) where I sincerely want to stop time. Just for a moment... so I can savor the moment., so I can remember every single face you make and all the cute things you say.

Parker, I am 
I am looking forward to seeing you grow even more this year.

I love you yesterday, today, and forever.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

My boys.

My boys are constantly amazing me with their hearts of gold, the things they say, and the things they do.

Parker can cross the monkey bars without help.

Carter always is looking out for his brothers and loves to share with them.

Anderson took 3 steps twice today.

Everyday I thank God for my happy, healthy boys.

Exciting day in Oswego for Brian!

Brian's favorite pizzeria opened in Oswego today. He couldn't be happier. Parker and Carter got lots of loot!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Charity Never Faileth

On Sunday, we got a call from someone at church.... they knew of a family that just lost their home in a fire. It was a pregnant single mom with a 5 yr old boy. They lost everything. I told Parker about it, and he wanted to help. He helped me go through all his toys and clothes and hand picked some for the little boy. We had a huge box full. 

I am SO AMAZED by the charity in my little boy's heart. He is SUCH an example for me.

I don't know if I've ever been more proud of him (yet).

Saturday, July 21, 2012

proud momma

Brian ran his first half marathon today. I knew he could do it. His time was 1:57 which I think is awesome. They also did a kid fun run and Parker and Carter ran the whole 1/4 mile! I was so proud of them. They received ribbons and Brian got a medal.
 ^ Brian before the race
 ^ watching daddy start
 ^ finished!
 ^ the boys were so happy for him
 ^ yay!
^ all the boys with their awards
^ 1/4 mile kids fun run

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Anderson meets GG & GG Hand!

 Anderson finally met his Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Hand from Idaho. He was such a ham and loved them right up. :)
 I took the boys outside to play. I love how Anderson is in the background. :)

 Parker and Carter showed GG and GG Hand that they can play chess!

 GG Hand brought "tissue paper gifts" for the boys. Adorable!!!

 Group Photo!!