Monday, July 23, 2012

Charity Never Faileth

On Sunday, we got a call from someone at church.... they knew of a family that just lost their home in a fire. It was a pregnant single mom with a 5 yr old boy. They lost everything. I told Parker about it, and he wanted to help. He helped me go through all his toys and clothes and hand picked some for the little boy. We had a huge box full. 

I am SO AMAZED by the charity in my little boy's heart. He is SUCH an example for me.

I don't know if I've ever been more proud of him (yet).

Saturday, July 21, 2012

proud momma

Brian ran his first half marathon today. I knew he could do it. His time was 1:57 which I think is awesome. They also did a kid fun run and Parker and Carter ran the whole 1/4 mile! I was so proud of them. They received ribbons and Brian got a medal.
 ^ Brian before the race
 ^ watching daddy start
 ^ finished!
 ^ the boys were so happy for him
 ^ yay!
^ all the boys with their awards
^ 1/4 mile kids fun run

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Anderson meets GG & GG Hand!

 Anderson finally met his Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Hand from Idaho. He was such a ham and loved them right up. :)
 I took the boys outside to play. I love how Anderson is in the background. :)

 Parker and Carter showed GG and GG Hand that they can play chess!

 GG Hand brought "tissue paper gifts" for the boys. Adorable!!!

 Group Photo!!