Friday, December 30, 2011

bath time!

love him. bubbles. smiles. leg/arm rolls. i could just eat him right up.

Monday, December 26, 2011

December Wrap Up.

Grandma Miller surprised us and finished Anderson's stocking. It's adorable!

Mommy's phone is always a hot commodity.

Big boy!!

Parker made A LOT of decorations in preK this year. I love them ALL. Parker was worried Santa wouldn't see his stocking he made. But, sure enough, he did and left Parker and Carter two little "game phone" erasers!

As 2011 comes to a close and 2012 begins- we want to send our love and well wishes to you and yours!

Party, Presents, and PJs OH MY!

On Christmas Eve we went to our good friends the Bunker's house and hung out, ate too much and decorated cookies for Santa. The Lystrups- another family from our ward, and good friends of ours were there.

Here are: All three boys in their Christmas PJs. Parker and his new ornament:

Carter and his ornament:

Anderson and his ornament:

Santa Bum:

All the boys went to bed really nice! Anderson said, on Christmas morning that he snuck a peek at Santa. Daddy and Anderson slept downstairs in case Santa needed help.


We had a really great Christmas. Santa brought lots of books, a spiderman car for parker, a yo gabba gabba puzzle for carter, a fleece snowsuit for anderson, new waterbottles for p&c, and some workbooks. P&C also got socks from santa and an outfit. We also got some wood things- a chore chart and a word puzzle. They boys really enjoyed opening all the presents.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Parker's Christmas Party

Truth be told, I wasn't going to go to Parker's PreK Christmas Party. I'm so glad I changed my mind and found a sitter, and went. The second I walked in, Parker ran up to be, hugged me and said "MOMMY! I KNEW YOU'D COME" Melt my heart.

They made snowmen for a snack.

They also made Santas.

The Master hard at work:

Parker with his class. Rhyme about Santa and the chimney.

Parker and his class singing S-A-N-T-A

Parker and his class singing Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer

Parker and his class singing We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

*this one is my favorite.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Crafts

Parker and Carter made mint hot cocoa for their teachers! We personalized the containers. :)

I made recycled Crayons for the primary. :) so fun.

AND Anderson got his own PJ bucket!! :)

Friday, December 16, 2011


*Warning: Graphic Image may be disturbing to some viewers This is my placenta. I took paint and made prints out of it. Such an amazing organ.

Tree of Life prints.

After I made the prints, I brough my placenta to a friend and fellow doula to encapsulate it. :) Placenta pills are supposed to help ward off ppd and can help milk supply.

Friday, December 9, 2011

December Fun

Here is another hat I made for a special order. Love car rides. All THREE boys are asleep.... Look in the little mirror you can barely see Anderson is sleeping too.

We made countdown chains til Santa!

Shelb sent Anderson some Christmas PJs and we tried them on and sent her a pic!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

lucky ducky

I won an ERGO from Mother Earth Baby in Oswego!! I won the carrier, a backback and a front pouch. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world!

I could even carry Parker in it. This thing is awesome!!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy 1st Thanksgiving!

While home for thanksgiving I came across this picture of myself. Kindergarten photo I think. Adorable if I do say so myself. Now you know where Carter gets his hair color from. :)

The turkey... forgot to get the Steffen annual boy photo w the turkey.

Anderson got lots of Gram time!

Turkey butt!! :)

Happy Thanksgiving baby Anderson. Next year will be better, when you can actually eat it. Love you!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

november fun

My three baby boys.

I learned to crochet this fall and have been crocheting up a storm. I made that hat for Anderson to go Christmas carolling. He is our little rudolph!

Gram and Anderson played and bonded a lot in November. It was lovely. Anderon's middle name is her maiden name... so, I think they share a special bond. <3

I'm not sure who had more fun... her or him!

Parker being silly about his birthday money. He said that I should spend his birthday money to buy Carter a bike so we could have two bikes. Two bikes are more fun. Carter makes his cameo appearance in his undies.

Here is Parker reading me a story he "wrote".

Monday, October 31, 2011

1st Halloween!

Happy First Halloween, Anderson!!!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Anderson's blessing

Anderson was blessed and the primary program was today. It was the first time that as Primary President I have put on the program. AND it was Parker's first time being in the program. He did great talking into the microphone even if you couldn't understand every word he said. The spirit was totally there!!

Grandma and Grandpa Miller, Uncle Jonathon, Grandma and Grandpa Steffen, and John-Mike came up for our special day. :)

John-Mike's car broke down in the parking lot and Paul was going to jump it. He pulled his car on the grass and totally got stuck in the mud. Luckily Roy was able to pull him out!!! We called AAA for John-Mike's car to be towed home. He stayed to watch the Bills game and then Brian brought him home. :) It was an exciting but good day!!