Saturday, June 25, 2011

New Baby... updates

People have been asking what I need for the baby. You'd think that with the 3rd kid (most likely boy) that I'd be all set.

There are some things I definitely DON'T need:

We have strollers, carseat, swings.... I've got newborn/0-3mon gender neutral sleepers coming out of my ears. We have a bumbo, a breastpump, and a boppy. I've been handed down some glass bottles (thanks Beverly) .... Most of the basics are covered. Phew.

I also got the cutest take home outfits for baby.


This child, whether boy or girl will need clothes. 2 boys can really do a number on clothes. For nb- about 18 months Carter's is hands down my FAVORITE :)

I usually use disposable diapers for the first week or so. I like Pampers Swaddlers Newborn size WITHOUT drymax. I like the Pampers Sensitive Thick Care wipes to use with them (for the first couple poopy diapers)

I would love a new diaper bag. I've got my eye on this one. Skip Hop Studio in Black. Nice spacious stroller bag.

We also are running low on diaper detergent. My goal is to buy 2-- to be prepared.

Parker hated to be swaddled, and Carter loved it. I want to try these Swaddling blankets. They make cotton (for warm weather) and fleece for colder weather. I think 2 of each of them would be good. Plus green is totally gender neutral.

I'd love to try this nursing cover.

I'd also like to get a couple soothie type pacifiers- you know the kind like at the hospital... both boys only took them for a couple months and then would spit them out. I hope this baby is the same way. :) They have boy and girl ones.

I need about 2 packages of breastmilk storage bags and 2 freezer bin to store milk in.

I've also picked out the bedding I would like for a baby boy and a baby girl.

Brian and I would like to get some more cloth diapers. :) We want to get the bumgenius 4.0 pockets... some with velcro and some with snaps. We've never had the snaps before, and I've heard great things about having them. OR The Flip Hybrid system... I've been thinking about trying that.


UPDATE: I bought a wetbag, and a flip cloth diaper to try. I also got burpcloths.

For dirty diapers we have always used a wegmans type- plastic bag. It has worked well, but I'd really love a wetbag. Size Small... and in the Chocolate Animal Cracker print. Adorable.

We need more burpcloths... Everyone knows prefold diapers make the best burpcloths.

UPDATE: I bought these 2 things :)
I'd like 2 small glass bottles so hopefully Brian can feed the baby sometimes.

I need a brown bundleme to match the carseat...

*Some of the links I have posted are to a local cloth diaper store named Basic Baby (Syracuse area). I'm hoping to be able to support this local business as much as possible when it comes to buying things that I need for this baby.

I'm not posting this so that people feel obligated to buy me something. More than material items- I appreciate the love and support you have given me and the prayers offered on my behalf... They mean more to me then anything material you could buy me!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


I'm starting to feel a little anxious about the birth of this baby...

1. Fast Labor
I'm getting anxious knowing the hospital is an hour away. I mean, I should be able to get there in time especially since Brian is off for the summer... but I feel like I should have a birth kit in the car or the house just in case. Prompting or paranoia??

2. Childcare
I'm stressed about finding somewhere for the boys to go... My mom was going to be camping around here about the time of the due date but that's tricky because we never really know when the baby is coming, and I don't want to make her camp for like a month! She also has to go back to work on my due date... talk about stress. The plan is to get someone to come here and watch them until my mom/dad/brother can get here... It should take them about 2-3hrs. What if it's in the middle of the night? What if no one in Oswego can watch them and we have to wait for someone to get here... or drop them off on our way to the hosptial ((and have to take out the carseats, make sure they have a bag packed, etc))

3. Boy or Girl?
I'm not stressed but anxious to meet this little one. I really, truly have no clue what this baby is. I mean how would I?! But, I feel like it's going to be a boy... simply because I've always wanted a girl and I just feel like it's not in the cards for us. I know Heavenly Father knows the desires of my heart and I know that I will get the child that I am supposed to. Having a girl, is not about the dresses, bows, pink, etc to me. It's about the wedding preparations, helping her have her babies, and being the fun white-haired grandma that teaches the grandkids to make pies and cookies. I am grateful to be pregnant again and so grateful that the baby is healthy and strong. I am grateful for my two little boys who put a smile on my face like no one else can. I am hopeful that they will serve missions and be good husbands and fathers.

Any words of advice/encouragement are always welcome. <3

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

outlet fun

Britta, Beverly, and I went to the outlet mall today. It was surprisingly hot. I found some pretty good deals...

Oshkosh: Retail- 32 .... Paid- 9.60
Gymboree: Retail- 40.97 .... Paid- 19.97
Carter's: Retail- 130 .... Paid 27.47

It'll be nice to go shopping once the baby is here to get some clothes... about 2 months left!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

work in progress

We finally bit the bullet and did our bedroom. It was the one room that hadn't been touched since we moved in almost 2 years go. There were even no window treatments.... It was pretty bad. We got a new bedding set, painted the walls (a light gray), and I made curtains to match.

We still have a couple things left to do: a curtain to be the 'door' to the closet and the boys are painting us artwork to hang above our bed.

I wasn't totally sure what I wanted. I just knew I wanted a gray and yellow bedroom. Brian was skeptical, but he loves it! He picked out the gray/yellow/black flower pillow pictured below...
I'll take some more when it is completely done.

Next Project: baby room once we know if baby is a boy or girl. ;)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011