Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Potty "training" has been going really well! I am super impressed because Parker is only 27m old.

At church on Sunday, Brian took Parker to change his diaper.... when they came back I noticed Brian had frosting on his clothes. (Brian made the world's best cupcakes for my class- bc we had 2 birthdays that day).... I knew they had gotten into them.

Brian then leaned over and said "his diaper wasn't even wet!" AND "he went potty on the big toliet!" I guess when he checked Parker's diaper Parker pointed to the toliet and said "up" or something like that... Brian put him on and he peed!

Brian was so excited that he gave Parker a cupcake to celebrate!

This might not be exciting to you... but it is to me! :D

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy 27th Birthday Brian!! :)

Parker and I made pancakes for Daddy while Carter played. We made Rainbow pancakes- complete with peanut m&ms (Parker's favorite) and sprinkles. They were topped with whipped cream and more sprinkles!
They gave mommy 2 Thumbs up! :D
We all then got ready and headed to church. When we got home, we put the kiddos down for their naps and I made Brian this for dinner!!
Steak Gorgonzola Alfredo (olive garden copycat recipe) with homemade alfredo sauce.
I couldn't find sundried tomatoes at the store, so those are missing. And we only had linguini noodles instead of fettuccine (but we all know- they all taste the same).

Delish. It is one of our favorites.

When the kids woke up from their naps Brian opened his gift (I forgot to upload pics of it) but he got socks!!! HOW EXCITING! (sense the sarcasm?!) They were new work/church socks (MUCH NEEDED) but inside each sock was a different m&m/reese's pieces treat. So, that made up for the crappy gift.

Brian wanted to take the boys for a ride in the wagon (which has been sitting unused since we moved back in October)..... So, you gotta do what the birthday boy wants!! :)

Carter LOVED IT!!!

And here is our family picture. It was at the end of the walk..... I love my little family.
We love you!!! Thank you for being such a great husband & Daddy!!! :)
Mommy, Parker, & Carter

Random photo to make you chuckle: This photo was taken a couple of days ago. Check out those evil eyes. LOL

Family Photos:
We went to celebrate Bryan Salmond's birthday... it was wayyy past the kids bedtime (just in case you couldn't tell ;) )
In transition to bedtime... Parker did NOT want to get his pjs on!!! He wouldn't even come over for the photo- hence him being 1/2 naked on the floor. lol.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

and they're off....

they were racing to get the camera. ha. crazy kids.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

catch up ketchup!




oops, forgot. 1.18.10



Sunday, January 17, 2010


We have taken photos daily but I am sick today and so they will be posted soon. :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Fam Fun

Yesterday the boys and I picked up Brian from work and we headed west to see my family. We stopped at the outlets where we both spent about $20- for our datenight. Brian got a couple books and I scored some good deals on clothes for the kiddos. Parker spent $1 on those little kiddie rides. It's ironic bc we look our photo at the dumbo ride and he rode it after and hated it. Ithonk he doesn't like the ones that move side to side. I'm excited to see him at an amusement park this summer. :)

We stopped at taco bell on the way to my parents house and totally messed everything up. Ugh. O well.

We arrived at my parents' house and put the kids to bed. Jon, Brian, & I played Wii and then hit the hay ourselves.

Photos from yesterday and today will be posted by the end of tonight. Stay tuned.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPod

Friday, January 15, 2010

we didn't forget!

last night the computer kept freezing... so I just gave up and waiting for this morning to post.
so here is yesterday's photo!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

oh no

Daddy had to go to young men's tonight at church and by the time he get's home... the kiddos will be in bed. So, our family picture is missing daddy today. :(

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

feat. carter

i love my family

Parker's BIG NEWS:

He has awaken from his naps dry lately and I thought, hey maybe we should TRY to get him to go on his potty.

So we began half heartedly potty training and are REALLY impressed with how well Parker is doing!! He has peed about 5 times and pooped once in his little potty!!! :)

I can't believe he's starting to potty train.

Parker got his first big boy underwear today!! :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

steffen family fun day

Today the Steffen Family had a spontaneous "family fun day!" First, we went to the zoo. Since they are having a contest and I brought my camera, I got in for free. Both kiddos are under 3 so they were free too!! We only had to pay $3 for Brian. The elephants were the first animals that we saw... they were coming out for 10min for a snack just as we got there! Perfect!

After the zoo, we went to Chili's (with a gift card Brian got me a year ago) and it was HORRIBLE. The food was disgusting and the service was horrible. LONG story.... we won't be going there again any time soon.
Then we went to Wegman's and Carter rode in the cart for the first time! :) He loved it. And Parker did too. Parker was rubbing his arm and kissing him. Adorable.

Then we went to walmart to get spray paint for the shelves in the basement. Of course, we walked out with more than just that, but all much needed things. Clearly, Carter was exhausted.
and finally.... our Family picture of the day!! :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

carter walking! [sort of]

please ignore the crying. parker wanted to play with the ride-on carter already was walking with.... you'll see in the next video- they traded.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Parker passed out in his chair this morning.... guess 5:30a was a little early to wake up! LOL

Photo of the Day!

good article

You Should Be Grateful
-by Gretchen Humphries

"You should be grateful, after all, you’ve got a healthy baby". How many times have we heard those words? How many times have we said them? It seems so obvious, you wanted a child and now you have a healthy child. You are alive to enjoy that child. You should be grateful. Right?
That phrase (or the similar "all that matters is a healthy baby") did more damage to me than anything else said to me after my cesarean section. Because on the face of it, it seems so true. My husband and I had struggled with infertility for several years. My pregnancy came after at least 2 miscarriages and drugs to make me ovulate and then to maintain the pregnancy. I had beautiful twin boys. Why was I so upset? Wasn’t I grateful? They were apparently healthy and so was I, if you discount the physical devastation of major abdomenal surgery on top of the exhaustion taking care of newborn twins brings with it. My recovery was, after all, uncomplicated by medical standards. Physically, I was healing well. Wasn’t I grateful?

So many people said it to me, I started to wonder. People I trusted, people I respected, people I loved. Women that had cesarean sections for their children and trumpeted the advantages of it. Maybe I wasn’t grateful for my babies? Maybe I didn’t love my babies as much as I should or as much as other mothers did? Maybe I was being selfish and petty to be so upset about the birth and not blissfully happy with my babies- after all, other women seemed to "get over it" so quickly, so quickly in fact that I had to wonder if I was really crazy to think there was anything to "get over". What was the big deal?

Part of the problem was that I actually didn’t feel overwhelmingly grateful, nor did I feel overwhelmed with love for my boys. I knew that if anyone threatened them in any way that I’d do anything to protect them, I’d already proven that in negotiating a less traumatic cesarean than they would have normally experienced. I could protect my children but I didn’t feel a lot about them. I was depressed. So for several months I wasn’t feeling much of anything. It wasn’t hard to believe that I wasn’t grateful enough, that I didn’t love them like I should. But I still had to wonder, even as the depression lifted, why hadn’t I "gotten over it"? What was wrong with me?

Then I began to realize how evil it is to tell a woman who’s experienced a physically or emotionally traumatic birth that she should be grateful because when you say that, she hears that she isn’t grateful enough for the precious baby she’s been given. And that cuts to the quick. She may already be wondering what was wrong with her that she couldn’t have a normal birth and now you’ve told her that she doesn’t love her child enough. It is evil to say "all that matters is a healthy baby" because you are saying that her pain, her damage doesn’t matter. You are telling her that not only is her body broken, but so is her mind. That if she is physically healthy, that’s all that matters, and to be concerned with anything else is somehow wrong. That the means to the end doesn’t matter, she is expendable.

The truth is, a woman can be absolutely grateful and full of passionate mother love for her child and be enraged by how that child came into the world. Hating the birth, hating what happened in that cold, impersonal operating room or delivery room has nothing to do with the child. It is possible to be both full of rage and full of love. When that rage is turned inward, a woman is depressed, and likely to believe you when she hears you tell her she’s ungrateful and unloving toward her child. And if that rage turns back outward, it will spill over to you, because you told her a lie and she believed it because she trusted you. If that rage stays hidden, it will fester, and eventually there will be a place in that woman’s heart where she no longer goes, because it just hurts too much and makes no sense. Good mothers just don’t have those feelings, and she’s already afraid she isn’t a good enough mother. And so she loses something precious, and so do we all.

I discovered that there are a lot of women out there who hated the births of their children; women who had bad surgeries, women who had good surgeries, rarely women who had necessary surgeries, women who didn’t have surgery at all, but did have horrible things done to them in the name of birth. I’m not the only one. There is a vast hidden ocean of pain in women who’ve had horrible births but do love their babies and continue to wonder, what is wrong with me? If I just loved my baby enough, I wouldn’t feel this way.

I was freed by the knowledge that there is nothing wrong with me! I underwent the surgical removal of my children from my body- a procedure that has nothing to do with birth, that completely circumvents what my woman’s body is made to do. If it felt like an assault, then it was an assault, a very sexual assault. And if I’m not upset about being assaulted, then there really is something wrong with me. And that nothing that was done to me has the power to keep me from loving my children with passionate mother love.

I am grateful, grateful beyond words for the blessing of my children. They are miracles. The day they were taken out of me was one of the worst days of my life. Yet I am grateful for them, though not for what was done to me. My physical body might have recovered well enough to be called "healthy" but my spirit was deeply wounded and then neglected. I was not healthy. I know my children suffered because of that. I have a lot to be grateful for but not for their birth, never for their birth. Understanding and accepting that makes me truly healthy. Admitting the horror of their birth frames the love I have for them in a way that astonishes me- amazed at what I went through because of my love for them, I now know I really would die for them if needed.

Now, when you tell me that I should be grateful, I realize that you are showing me how frightened you are. That you are afraid to look at my pain. That you are afraid to admit that maybe I have good reason to be angry, that maybe woman are truly assaulted in the name of birth. You are telling me that it's ok for women to have birth ripped from them, that it isn’t acceptable to look for a better way or to mourn what was lost. I know you now. You may not know yourself, but I do. And I pity you.

Also read Gretchen Humphries' home VBAC waterbirth story.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

this 'n' that

Carter had his shot only visit today. He's up to 18.5lbs. I had the NP check his ears. No infection so he just likes to hold his ear & scream when he's sleepy. He was totally wiped out for the rest of the day. Poor kiddo.

Carter and Parker holding hands. Aw! :) They were "talking" away!!

He's starting to look less and less like a baby and more and more like a little boy.

Parker designed his first Mr Potato Head. I think he looks dapper.
Parker doing "thumbs up" apparently he thinks I'm doing a good job keeping up with my yearly goal! :) And not to disspoint.... here's today's pic!
(I know Parker is out of focus... but I liked this one the best-- we limit it to 3 maybe 4 different shots-- because he is SMILING!! In the others he was making goofy faces)

Monday, January 4, 2010

missionaries save the day

The missionaries came and helped us shovel out our 2+feet of snow!! :) What a nice surprise. Elder Cahoon is leaving wednesday to go to another area for 6weeks and then he's going home! He was/is a great missionary and we were lucky to have him!!! :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

snow day from church

We celebrated by staying in our PJs (well got bathed/showered and went back into pjs) and made a fort! :)
Here is our fort filled with pillows and blankets!

Parker and his new Twilight Turtle that Santa brought! He was kissing it.

Parker and Elmo! I didn't even know Parker knew who Elmo was until he got this from my parents for his birthday in October! LOL Now Elmo NEEDS to sleep with him, every night.

Parker giving Elmo hugs.

And finally.... our daily picture! :)