Friday, October 30, 2009

officially homeowners!

Last night we initialed 42 times (each) and signed 46 times (each) and now we're officially homeowners!
It is so exciting and extremely overwhelming.
We are starting the move today and hope to be done to enjoy some trick or treaters tomorrow!! (Since being married everyplace we lived has had no trick or treaters)
Last night I went there to clean and realized all the (little) things we ARLEADY need. AHHH!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Carter decided to try the playdoh, I think he liked it a little too much... Parker was looking for daddy to come home....
Parker enjoys popsicles even though it's FREEZING outside.....
Carter likes to eat whole bananas. What a mess...

Lookie what Carter can do!! He stands more than he sits.... walking soon?? oh no.

halloween preview

I n t r o d u c i n g:
Parker and Carter
the .d.y.n.a.m.i.c. monkey/ banana duo!
(hold your applause)

(check out those teeth!)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

my little boy is 2

2 yrs ago. This was right after the c-section and the first picture on camera of him.
Happy First Birthday Parker!

Happy Second Birthday Parker!
This is the cake I made! :) It was so yummy. For this year, we kept his birthday low key. We just had our families over to Brian's parents house for cake and ice cream. We were going to go to the Strong Museum of Play after but we were ALL exausted. So, we decided on going a different day. Parker loved opening all his presents and being the center of attention.
Make a Wish!!
Admiring his candle!

Proud brother! :)
(The classic letter that accompanies birthday posts) ;)
It seems like just yesterday was Valentine's day '07. I will never forget the overwhelming excitement that came over me when I saw those two little pink lines that announced your pending arrival. I will forever remember falling to my knees, and sobbing thanking God for the chance to make me a mommy. I was beyond excited.
Two days before you came to earth, our family was sealed for time and all eternity in the Palmyra Temple. With the knowledge that we would all be together again, I wasn't scared of labor or delivery. I knew you were just as anxious to join our family as we were to have you.
The next morning the induction started. I had a "boaderline" disease called Gestational Diabetes. This could make my baby too big the doctors said. So, I was induced at 8am 10/17/07.
At 6:15pm the next day, the doctor placed his hand on my knee looked me right in the eyes and said "don't worry we'll get that baby out". I was wheeled away. You made your grand entrance into this world at 6:38pm 10/18/07 via 'emergency' c-section. After maybe 30seconds I heard you cry. I didn't have my glasses so I couldn't see you when they quickly showed you to me... and you were rushed off to be taken care of. At 11:30p on 10/19/07 I finally got to see and hold you and only because a kind nurse thought it was rediculously long time to not have even SEEN your baby.
I want you to know that you are my special boy. Thank you for being the first child in our family. Thank you for being so brave and strong even after being born by c-section. I know you are a perfect piece to our family puzzle and I love you with all of my heart.
Love, Mommy

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Parker now knows S O E H C Y M and sometimes G

Thursday, October 8, 2009

love at first click

this is the first picture i took with my camera.

i think i'm in love.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Exceeding Expectations

^ here it is! all my hard work paid off!!
i earned and saved nearly $1400!

^ my camera should be here sometime tomorrow


Sunday, October 4, 2009

carter's 'new do' and salmon run

Carter's 3rd tooth poked through today!! :) He really is growing up so fast.

Carter got his toupee cut today. I called it that because it was SO long on the top and a little down the sides but the sides and the back were so light and short that he looked bald.

I always thought my kiddos would be platinum blonde, like I was, but so far I've got a dark blonde and a strawberry blonde. Maybe next kid will be a true toe head? We'll see....

My parents were camping at Jellystone in Mexico this weekend. They have a river called Little Salmon River that runs through the campground. I don't know about you but I don't think this is a little salmon! HAHA I can just picture Gramp and how he would show us the fish was "THIS BIG" and run his hand right into us. Well, Gramp, you should be proud- this one didn't get away. ;) ((although, jon didn't catch it, a nice fisherman gave it to him))

37in and 15lb

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Parker's 2 yr check up

Parker at his appointment!! :)
As you can see, there was not ONE tear!

It was his first time getting his reflexes tested, his height standing, saying "ahh" to see his throat/teeth, and his blood pressure taken. He was so brave!!!! :) :) :) :)

Dr. T said "you really have the most beautiful children". When he walked in the door, Parker said "hi!" and then he showed him all his letters in the book he was holding. He showed him an S an E an H and an O. Dr. T asked him where mommy and the baby was and he pointed to us. He also asked some other questions and another was how old he was going to be and Parker held up 2 fingers and said "two." He then said, "let me ask you the development questions even though i already know he's good" :) The notes on his paper say "healthy, handsome, and smart!" As he walked out the door he said it was a nice way to start off the day but that the rest of the day wouldn't be like this!

24lbs -- not even on 2yr old chart

32in -- very low percentile

He just started charting on the BIG BOY chart, so his numbers aren't really on the chart yet. Its not a concern though. :) I am SO PROUD OF HIM!!!!!

*EDIT- according to the birth-36m CDC growth chart he is 50% for height and about 5% weight